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Routing of electrical conductivity paths in concrete between a counter electrode and a working electrode in impedance measurements of the reinforcement
Języki publikacji
The paper concerns the widely understood advanced diagnosis of corrosion of reinforced concrete structures. The subject of analysis was the method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). At the outset the general assumptions of the original '3D' model was described for analysis and simulation of impedance spectra obtained for reinforcing steel in concrete. Then, the way of routing of electrical conductivity paths in concrete between the counter electrode and the working electrode (rebar)was described in details. Mathematical expression were given to allow determination of a spatial grid nodesin concrete, which are also the nodes of the conductivity paths. The described conductivity of electrical paths are the elongated curvilinear concrete solids and demarcate the active zone of concrete in conduction of alternating current during impedance measurements of steel in concrete.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz., rys.
- Wydział Budownictwa, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice, Polska
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