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The city of Bni drar in the NE of Morocco experienced frequent and regular share of flood events, especially at its main road where it’s commonly submerged by floodwaters during these events. Because of its crucial significance and role in the transportation infrastructure of the region, this study aims to analyze and evaluate flood hazard in Bni Drar, with a specific focus on its impact on the national road N2 as it crosses the Sefrou wadi. Rainfall-runoff transformation was conducted using HEC-HMS model, resulting in flow hydrographs for 10, 20, 50, and 100 years return period. These hydrographs constituted an input for IBER hydrodynamic model, enabling the simulation of flood depth and velocity for a return period of 100 years. Flood hazard was categorized by taking into account both flood depth and velocity. The maximum water depth in the study area is 2.7 meters for 100 years return period. Regarding flow velocity, the maximum value is 2 meters per second. The acquired hazard maps possess the capability to bolster flood risk management within the research region by furnishing a geospatial decision support instrument to empower local authorities. This enables the prompt execution of preventive measures against flood risks and fortifies the resilience of the territory.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz., rys., tab.
- Laboratory of Modeling and Scientific Computation, National School of Applied Sciences of Oujda, Mohamed 1st University, 60000, Morocco
- Laboratory of Modeling and Scientific Computation, National School of Applied Sciences of Oujda, Mohamed 1st University, 60000, Morocco
- Laboratory of Applied Sciences, National School of Applied Sciences of Oujda, Mohamed 1st University, 60000, Morocco
- Laboratory of Modeling and Scientific Computation, National School of Applied Sciences of Oujda, Mohamed 1st University, 60000, Morocco
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