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Bibliogr. 18 poz.
- Centrum Szkła i Materiałów Budowlanych, Łukasiewicz - Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych
- Chemia Budowlana, Łukasiewicz - Instytut Ceramiki i Materiałów Budowlanych
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- 3. J. Sierra-Pérez, J. Boschmonart-Rives, X. Gabarrell, Comparative combinations of façade-building systems and thermal insulation materials for different climatic conditions: an environmental assessment, „Journal of Cleaner Production” 2016, Vol. 113, s. 102-113.
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- 5. J. Michalak, S. Czernik, M. Marcinek, B. Michałowski, Environmental burdens of External Thermal Insulation Systems. Expanded Polystyrene vs. Mineral Wool: Case Study from Poland, „Sustainability” 2020, 12, 4532.
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- 10. R. Pasker, The European ETICS market - Do ETICS sufficiently contribute to meet political objectives?, 4th European ETICS Forum, Warsaw, Poland, 5 October 2017, European Association for External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (EAE), Baden-Baden, Germany, 2017.
- 11. C.A. Balaras, K. Droutsa, E. Dascalaki, S. Kontoyiannidis, Heating energy consumption and resulting environmental impact of European apartment buildings, „Energy and Buildings” 2005, Vol. 37, s. 429-442.
- 12. J.D. Silvestre, A.M.P. Castelo, J.B.C. Silva, J.M.C.L. de Brito, M.D. Pinheiro, Retrofitting a Building’s Envelope: Sustainability Performance of ETICS with ICB or EPS, „Applied Sciences” 2019, 9, 1285.
- 13. B. Michałowski, M. Marcinek, J. Tomaszewska, S. Czernik, M. Piasecki, R. Geryło, J. Michalak, Influence of Rendering Type on the Environmental Characteristics of Expanded Polystyrene-Based External Thermal Insulation Composite System, „Buildings” 2020, 10, 47.
- 14. PN-EN ISO 14025:2010 Etykiety i deklaracje środowiskowe - Deklaracje środowiskowe III typu - Zasady i procedury.
- 15. PN-EN 15804+A2:2020 Zrównoważenie obiektów budowlanych - Deklaracje środowiskowe wyrobu - Podstawowe zasady kategoryzacji wyrobów budowlanych.
- 16. EAD 040083-00-0404 External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) with renderings.
- 17. EAD 040287-00-0404 Kits for external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) with panels as thermal insulation and discontinuous claddings as exterior skin.
- 18. EAD 040089-00-0404 External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems with renderings for the use on timber frame buildings.
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