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The influence of the used applicators on organ and target doses for cervical cancer patients treated with HDR brachytherapy

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Introduction: The aim of this work was to study the influence of the applicators used for cervical cancer patients treated with high dose-rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) in the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, Poland on doses in the tumour volumes and organs at risk. Material and methods: The treatment was carried out using Iridium-192 in 4 fractions (7.5 Gy each) given in weekly intervals. Two types of applicators were used for comparison: fletcher and ring. The standard dose distribution parameters, read from the system Oncentra Brachy (version 4.5, Elekta), for bladder, rectum, and sigmoid (D2 cc) and tumour (HR-CTV D100, D98, D90) were studied. Patients were divided into two groups (240 treatment plans) depending on the type of applicator used and into four groups according to the tumour volumes (HR-CTV < 25 cm3 or HR-CTV ≥ 25 cm3). The collected data were analysed using the PQStatSoftware (version 1.8.2). Results: The treatment plans prepared with all types of applicators fulfil the dose distribution requirements, however, the dose delivered to the tumour using the ring applicator was found to be the highest. For the bladder and sigmoid the optimal dose distribution was obtained when using the fletcher applicator, while for the rectum the ring applicator gave the smallest dose value. The D2 cc parameter for sigmoid obtained for fletcher treatment has smaller values in the case of patients with small tumour volume and for this type of applicator was observed a statistically significant difference when compared with the ring. Conclusions: The ring applicator gives the optimal parameters of the dose distribution independently on the tumour volume with respect to the fletcher applicator, which is however more often used in clinical practice.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., rys., tab.
  • Biomedical Physics Division, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Poland
  • Department of Medical Physics, The Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Poland
  • Biomedical Physics Division, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Poland
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