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Impact of the manufacturing conditions and operating position on heat transport ability of the heat pipe filled with Fluorinert FC-72

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Heat pipes are devices, which transfer heat at a minimum temperature difference between evaporating and condensing phase. Operating temperature of heat pipe is determined by the working fluid and vacuum achieved during its production. This paper is focused on the determining the effect of the initial temperature of the ambient air to the performance characteristics of produced heat pipes. In general, the decrease in pressure decreases the boiling liquid. Based on this it can be presumed that achieving a lower temperature during production of heat pipe, the lower vacuum, the boiling point of working fluid while increasing ability of heat transport in various positions.
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Bibliogr. 10 poz., fot., rys., tab., wykr.
  • University of Žilina, Slovakia
  • University of Žilina, Slovakia
  • University of Žilina, Slovakia
  • University of Žilina, Slovakia
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This work was performed within the frame of project KEGA-064ŽU-4/2012.
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