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In this article the issue of production scheduling in manufacturing systems characterized by discrete production flow is presented. A decision making stages taken in production scheduling of complex products as a part of the project N R03 0073 06/2009 - "Integrated, Centre for Research and Development are shown. Complex product is understood as product, which can be a composition of other products, it means that in its structure assembly operations are allowed. There are following decision-making stages in proposed method that should be performed while creating a schedule: order sequencing, scheduling strategy selection, subprocesses and operations sequencing, selecting of operation variants, schedule evaluation. The "order sequencing" stage is associated with organizing the processes according to established priorities. The "choice of scheduling strategy" stage determines the way of operations introduction into a schedule. The "subprocesses and operations sequencing " stage refers to the issue of sequencing parallel operations in the structure of the process. The "selecting variants of operation" stage shows how to select alternative variants for the operation. Scoring method for assessing schedules allows carrying out the assessment process using multiple criteria and experts.
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Bibliogr. 13 poz., rys.
- Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering Processes Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems
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