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Analysis of Food Industry Waste Management Based-On the Food Recovery Hierarchy and 3R Concept – A Case Study in Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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This research goal was to analyze food industry waste in Padang City based on Food Recovery Hierarchy and 3R concept. Waste sampling refers to SNI 19-3964-1994 with 35 sampling points spread across 6 types of food industries. According to the sampling result which includes waste generation, composition, and characteristics, the management of the food industry in Padang City was studied based on the principles of Food Recovery Hierarchy and 3R Concept. The result of the study showed that waste generated is 27.44 tons/day or equivalent to 250.31 m3/day with the organic waste as the largest contributor having percentage of 85.06%. On the basis of the chemical and biological characteristics, such as water content, C/N ratio, and biodegradability fraction, the waste shows that the most compatible treatment for the waste is biological treatment with composting. First step in the principles of Food Recovery Hierarchy is applying the concept of waste reduction to the waste resulted from each industry in as many as 2.19% or 4.83 kg/day. In the second step, 44.295 or 99.92 kg/day of the waste were given to livestock. The third step involved composting 39.27% or 86.72% of the waste. The fourth step was to do landfilling with 1.77% or 3.90 kg/day of the waste. The fifth step was selling 12.48% or 25.40 kg/day of the waste that has a recycling potential to collectors based on the 3R concept. If these concepts are applied, the waste taken to the dumpsite will decrease from 16.24 tons/day to 0.49 tons/day.
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Bibliogr. 52 poz., rys., tab.
  • Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Padang City 25175, Indonesia
  • Doctoral Student of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung City 40132, Indonesia
  • Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Padang City 25175, Indonesia
  • Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Padang City 25175, Indonesia
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