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Product and purchasing strategy of equipment and armaments of the Polish Armed Forces

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The current political situation in the world, marked by the conventional military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, growing contradictions and the desire to redefine the international order obviously translate into increased interest in the armaments market. The authors undertook to work out the issue related to the definition of a new battlefield, factors determining the demand for weapons. This topic is particularly relevant at the time of the current events beyond Poland’s eastern border. Military threats resulting from the geographic location and neighborhood of Poland clearly place us as an important, geostrategic player. Only a modernly equipped army is able to ensure the security and integrity of its borders and this modern equipment should be produced domestically as much as possible. The questions that the article tried to answer concern the following: what product and purchase strategy should be implemented by the Polish Armed Forces to face current and future threats? And what should be the direction of implementation of equipment and armaments based on the most modern solutions for production. Therefore, four concepts of building a strategy and the conditions determining its development were presented, in particular from the angle of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
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