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In the world pervaded with moral crises, unethical practices not only in the private and public sector but also in various charity organisations and cultural institutions, where one faces a loss of values and authorities, a question arises about the reasons for such occurrences. Simultaneously the need for developing tools helping to diminish the effects of unethical undertakings and eventually prevent them from emerging at all, comes into being. The main purpose of the presented paper is to convince that introducing ethics, social responsibility, and anti-corruption policies in higher education programmes accounts for a significant and undoubted tool that may bring positive results for both individuals and societies in the future. Such programmes will develop managerial competences that will play an even more important role than hard skills and acquired knowledge. The authoresses support the thesis with an example of a good practice based on a case study of a programme introduced at one of the Polish universities educating future managers for public administration. In the conclusions the authoresses will underline the necessity of educating responsible, conscious, and ethical managers especially for public sector institutions as well as they will suggest the paths for further research in this area.
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Bibliogr. 57 poz.
- Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
- Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice
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