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Rotablation is a percuteneous coronary procedure dedicated for treatment of highly calcified or fibrotic coronary lesions. This procedure allows plaque modification using a diamond coated burr rotating at high speed. The literature lacks information on the principles for selection of the tools for such a process which would ensure the best efficiency (speed of removing the calcified or fibrotic plaques). The starting point for this is the knowledge of the wear mechanisms in the case of such tools. The present study examines 7 burrs after different operation times. The following mechanisms were considered: pulling out, spalling, abrasion and diamond grains sticking. Based on the performed investigations, it was established that the basic wear mechanism is progressive sticking of the atherosclerotic plaques onto the burrs. In the first place, the burr's front becomes stuck over, yet this should still not have an effect on the speed of the atherosclerotic plaque removal also scarce sticking on the side surface of the burr is observed. During further operation, successive plagues are stuck onto the ones stuck earlier, causing a reduction of the speed of their removal and the necessity of the use of a new burr in order to continue the rotablation.
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Bibliogr. 15 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
- Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
- Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
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