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Non-pollen palynomorphs characteristic for the dystrophic stage of humic lakes in the Wigry National Park, NE Poland

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The numerous dystrophic (humic) lakes are a very important feature of Wigry National Park, NE Poland. As the most recent palaeoecological data indicate, at the beginning of its development (in the Late Glacial and Early and Middle Holocene) these water bodies functioned as harmonious lakes, and their transformation into dystrophic lakes and the stabilization of the trophic state took place at the beginning of the Subboreal. Palynological analysis of sediments from two such lakes (Lake Ślepe and Lake Suchar II), with special emphasis on non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs), was aimed at a detailed biological characterization of dystrophic lakes during their long-lasting existence. The obtained results allowed for the designation of organisms characteristic for dystrophic lakes, of which representatives appeared with the decreasing pH of the water and the formation of Sphagnum peat around lakes. These organisms were divided into four groups: algae, fungi, testate amoebas, and animals. Their representatives appear in various developmental stages of dystrophic lakes.
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Bibliogr. 74 poz, tab., rys.
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  • Department of Botany, Institute of Biology, University of Białystok, K. Ciołkowskiego 1J, 15-245 Białystok, Poland
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