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Role of biomethane in the improvement of energy safety in Poland

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The renewable energy gains over the recent years on the meaning, also in consideration of increasing prices the energy and some signs of changes of climate caused by the man. Thereby in many countries the large press lies down on the use of renewable sources of energy such as water, the sun, the wind and the biomass covering every now and again the best part of the power requirement. One of method of the production of the energy from the biomass is the production of the biogas in specially to this end constructed devices so called biogas plants. To create of conditions to the development of this field are necessary specific performances supporting and propagating on the domestic grade and regional. In Germany the enforcement of amended law about the renewable energy contributed to true bumu in the sector of the energy production from the biogas. In Germany in 1999 functioned 850 agricultural biogas plants, in 2003 – 1700 and in 2005 – 2800. In Poland until the year 2005 according to data given by the Office of the Regulation of the Energetics worked 64 power plants supported on the biogas. One ought however to remember that this number includes except agricultural biogas plants first of all installations of the refuse dump gas and the biogas on the refinery of sewage. Poland is a rich country in the stony coal field in the face of this the dependency of the country from the import of this raw material is least. In turn of the gas consumption of terrestrial in Poland increases and the perspective of the dependency himself from the import of this raw material until the year 2030 indicates the more and more greater need for the purchase of this raw material besides limits of our country. On the basis the information contained in the report European P utting green Gas Grid from the year 2014 results that the biomethane production in countries of western Europe gains the more and more greater popularity. This results from this that the import of natural gas to Europe is realized almost as a whole from the east direction. In European Union are many countries which import 100% their demand on natural gas to {in the face of} this aspect the reduction of the dependency themselves these countries from the import of gas in the figure {form} of the production of biomethane becomes a key-matter. For the purpose of the improvement of the development of agricu ltural biogas plants in Poland arose the government-document going out opposite to postulates about the necessity of the establishment of the system promoting and supporting the production of the agricultural biogas. A foundation „of Directions of the development agricultural biogas plants in Poland in years 2010–2020” is the creation of optimum-conditions to the development of installations producing the agricultural biogas so until the year 2020 to lead to the construction of averagely one biogas plant in every commune using the biomass of the agricultural origin, on the assumption possessions through the commune of applicable provisions to the execution of such undertaking.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., tab., wykr., rys.
  • Polish Gas Company, Central, Department of Infrastructure, W arsaw, Poland
  • AAGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Drilli ng, Oil and Gas, Krakow, Poland
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