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The role of entrepreneurial discovery process in technological development of Silesian voivodeship

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Purpose: the main purpose of this paper is to define the scope in which the entrepreneurial discovery process for smart specialization affects the technological development of the region. Design/methodology/approach: Based on theoretical analysis of the concept of smart specialization and entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP), set of research tools and methods has been proposed, including broad participation and interaction between EDP participants. The research tool – questionnaire for studying the needs of entrepreneurs in the direction of technological development of the Silesian Voivodeship consisted of four thematic blocks, including such aspects, as: innovative activity, financial aspects and the effectiveness of obtaining funds, cooperation and development strategy. A representative group of 300 companies was selected to participate in the survey. The responses obtained were processed and generalized using statistical methods – with use of MS Excel and Statistica software. The results of the research, conducted in 2017-2019, were used as a tool to identify areas of technological and cooperation advantage in the Silesian Voivodeship and recommendations for the update of Regional Technological Program for the 2030 perspective. Findings: The role of different groups of actors is varies substantially in terms of their involvement and impact, with the stakeholders from business and research are the main group to be targeted in the entrepreneurial discovery process. Research limitations/implications: The results provide a basis to improve the effectiveness of regional development planning, especially solutions for SME involvement and cooperation. The results confirm, that a detailed study of entrepreneurs' needs should be included as the main instrument for the implementation and for gaining reliable information on the effectiveness of implemented solutions in the field of innovation support. Limitations of the study include the subjectivity of respondents' opinions and the relatively small research sample, which may limit the generalization of the results. Practical implications: The results of the survey indicate the existence in Silesian region of the distance between entrepreneurs and scientists (thinkers and doers), which may result in lessening of effectiveness and willingness of cooperation, without preventive measures on a regional scale. The results also confirmed, the existence of financial barriers for innovativeness activities, especially impeded access to external capital, translating into lost benefits. Originality/value: The contribution of the research to the development of innovation management process in the region, which is based on a broad process of collaboration with different stakeholder groups. The results provide a contribution to the operationalization of the entrepreneurial discovery process.
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