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Life cycle assessment of a construction object within the EU research program COST25
Języki publikacji
W artykule, na przykładzie programu COST C25, omówiono zasady funkcjonowania europejskich programów naukowych, ich rodzaje oraz sposoby inicjowania i prowadzania wspólnych prac naukowo-badawczych w obszarze Unii Europejskiej. COST jest międzyrządowym europejskim programem badawczym w dziedzinie nauki i technologii, mającym na celu koordynację badań naukowych finansowanych ze środków krajowych na poziomie europejskim. Jednym ze szczegółowych zagadnień analizowanych w ramach projektu badawczego COST C25 jest zastosowanie analizy cyklu życia do oceny ekologiczności obiektu budowlanego.
The concept of sustainable constructions aims at integrating the objective of sustainable development into the construction activities. It is generally understood in relation with the environmental performance of building products and technologies. According to the report by the EU’s Taskforce for Sustainable construction, the concept should refer to a balanced economical, ecological and social approach. When sustainability is considered needs to integrated approach are recognized not only in the building and construction projects, but also in education, applied sciences and product development. The Cost 25 Action is focused on an integrated approach to deal with the end products of construction and engineering methods from structural point of view. It aims at providing the construction sector with a new framework and ideas based on the integrations of approaches and results of ongoing research and development projects.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz., tab.
- Politechnika Białostocka, Wydział Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska, 15-351 Białystok, ul. Wiejska 45 E
- COST Action C25, Sustainability of Constructions. Integrated Approach to Life-time structural engineering. Memorandum of Understanding, European Science Foundation COST Ofϐice, Brussels 2006.
- „Science Magazine” 1976, Vol. 192, p. 7-75.
- Life cycle assessment (LCA), An operational guide to The ISO standards, Centre of Environmental Science Leiden University, CML 2001.
- Agenda 2001, An agenda for sustainable construction in Europe. A report drawn up by the Working Group for Sustainable Construction with participants from the European Commission, Member States of Industry, 2001.
- D.J. Balcomp, A. Curtner, Multi criteria decision-making process for building, Report AIM-2000-2898 related to Task 23 of International Energy Agency, Nevada 2000.
- J.A. Clarke, Energy simulation in building design. Butterworth-Heineman, Oxford 2001.
Typ dokumentu
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