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Scientific marketing is an area which supports cooperation of science and industry. In some countries this kind of cooperation is already quite advanced, in other countries, like Poland, it has only started developing. However, a lot can be done to improve the flow of information and technology from Polish science to Polish industry and the other way round, as well as to inspire new scientific research with demand on the national and foreign market (export of services). Insufficient cooperation results above all from from the lack of mutual understanding of the manner of functioning. Scientific units hardly ever have independent marketing units within their structures. At the same time representatives of the industry don't know who they should contact to start cooperation. The managements of industrial companies often don't regard then' own marketing departments as significant, even though they generate further orders and can provide information about trends and innovations. In reality, the difference between the cooperation of science and industry and a standard B2B relation (business to business) between companies is not big. Thanks to this similarity it is possible to use the CRM system, which appropriately applied can contribute to raising profits by addressing the needs of the client (understanding market needs by scientific institutions, on the other hand the industry can skillfully present a problem). In this amele we suggest paying attention to the application of CRM in the context of scientific marketing. Our current knowledge suggests that such solutions haven't been implemented yet and if they exist, they concern only a small proportion of scientific institutions and the industry. Scientific institutions take advantase of CRM onlv in the context of databases or the so-called "address lists" used for contact with current, former and future students and scientific employees, but not in the context of cooperation with the industry. Such svstems could be modeled and installed at the same time in scientific institutions, in the industry or in consulting companies dealing with establishing cooperation of various organizations with the industry. This publication is devoted to scientific marketing and the prospects for its effective development thanks to applying a modem CRM system, which manages relations with the client. At the besinnins certain definitions and information about scientific marketing will be discussed. Further. CRM system will be discussed. At the end of the article the focus will shift to the possibility of applying CRM system in scientific marketing.
Opis fizyczny
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