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Integration of core, well logging and 2D seismic data to improve a reservoir rock model : a case study of gas accumulation in the NE Polish Carpathian Foredeep

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Geological models play a crucial role in the description and simulation of fluid flow of both hydrocarbon- and water-bearing strata. Methodology, based on the hydraulic flow unit build on the basis of core plug data combined with rock types determined from logs and 3D seismic cubes generated on the basis of 2D seismic sections is presented. It works as a possible exploration tool for the Miocene gas accumulations in the Carpathian Foredeep of Poland. Deterministic and stochastic, geostatistical methods were used to construct a static reservoir model from 2D seismic sections, lithological data and hydraulic flow unit data. A pseudo-3D seismic volume was generated from all of the 2D seismic data available, in order to aid the modelling of hydraulic flow units. This approach is applicable to other reservoirs, where the availability of seismic data is limited. This study demonstrates that even without 3D seismic data and with limited well log data, the proposed hydraulic flow unit approach can be successfully applied to reservoir modelling through the integration of diverse data sets for a wide range of scales.
Opis fizyczny
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