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The maintenance system is one of the key systems in the industry, because it ensures the continuity of work and the safety of the production systems. The maintenance system includes a set of specific activities carried out by people in various environmental conditions, with the use of appropriate equipment and within a specific organizational and management structure. Activities carried out by maintenance workers are related to the occurrence of various types of physical, chemical, biological or psychosocial risks. These dangers can lead to accidents or occupational diseases. Therefore, the task of managers within maintenance systems is to provide people working in these systems with an appropriate level of safety through the use of properly selected preventive measures. The methods of safety analysis are related to the examination of various systems in order to identify and assess the risks in these systems and to prepare the safety characteristics of these systems, which allows for the correct adjustment of preventive measures to the identified needs. The purpose of this work is to present the basic methods of Safety Analysis in terms of their possible use in the area of industrial maintenance. As part of the work, the hazards at work in maintenance were characterized, the importance of safety analysis for the identification of hazards and accident prevention was discussed, and the key methods of safety analysis were presented in terms of their possible use to improve work safety in an industrial maintenance system. The presented considerations are original. The findings of the article will be very useful for management in implementing safe maintenance systems in industry.
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- Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland
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