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University and business cooperation offers many benefits not only for the parties involved. It translates into innovation and competitiveness of the economy. The relationship encounters many barriers that are related to the environment (both internal and external) in which it is implemented. The aim of the article is to identify the determinants of university-business cooperation (areas of cooperation, barriers, motivations) and to point out recommendations from the perspective of scientists in Poland and the United States (USA). The experience of USA researchers can be used as a background for considerations about cooperation between universities and business in Poland, and as an example of good practices for the purpose of supporting and improving the analyzed relationships. The article focuses on selected determinants of university and business cooperation: areas of cooperation, barriers limiting it, motivations for cooperation and the possible options for its improvement (recommendations of researchers). In order to achieve the assumed goals, an individual, in-depth interview was conducted with the use of a questionnaire as the research tool. The presented results of the research showed significant differences between the models of university and business cooperation in Poland and the USA.
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