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The self-regulatory efficiency indicator as a measure of company's comparative advantage

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to indicate the possibility of using comparative advantage gauges as a measure identifying the market position of a company in relation to other entities, as well as the proposal to introduce a new measure in the form of a self-regulatory efficiency indicator. Design/methodology/approach: The simple indicators taking into account only revenues and costs are not suitable for a useful comparison of entities from a given industry, because they involve simple measures and allow only to rank entities without fully considering the specificity of the resources' management or the size of the business. Hence, the self-regulatory efficiency indicator is proposed. It can be used to compare entities generating uniform characteristics of the net financial result. Findings: For the Polish energy industry companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange it is important not so much to achieve a satisfactory market position, as to achieve a future’s competitive advantage, so the problem of the management is how to decide about the future without having a rational basis. It is solved by the proposed self-regulatory efficiency indicator (SEI). Originality/value: The comparison of the market position according to the SEI gauge and other comparative advantage indicators (EVA, RMA, I/C) is compatible in over 50%. Thus the SEI gauge can be used to describe the enterprise's market position, because as a new measure it allows to easily assess the efficiency of the resource management inside the entities, by the use of the generally available basic quantities.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz.
  • Faculty of Economics, University of Gdansk
  • Faculty of Economics, University of Gdansk
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