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The aim of the study is to answer whether 2 predominant values - achievement or social relations - and reactivity influence (a) the importance of work aspects, (b) satisfaction with them and overall job satisfaction, (c) connections between overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with work aspects. Bank employees were investigated with the Strelau Temperament Inventory-Revised by Strelau, Angleitner, Bantelman, and Ruch (1990, reactivity), Orientation to Work Values Inventory by Seifert and Bergmann (1983, values), and Work Description Inventory by Neuberger and Allerbeck (1978; importance and satisfaction with work aspects, overall job satisfaction). Predominant values, reactivity, and their interaction influence the importance of work aspects. The values affect overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with Conditions. Reactivity does not affect overall job satisfaction, but it strongly influences the structure of satisfaction with work aspects, and low-reactives compared to high-reactives are more satisfied with 4 out of the 7 considered aspects. Among the high-reactives, connections between overall job satisfaction and satisfaction with work aspects depend on their predominant values. It was concluded that reactivity can modify regulative functions of personal values towards overall job satisfaction: The values have a rather declarative character for low-reactives, but meeting aspirations connected with their values is very important for high-reactives' job satisfaction.
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