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The article presents an innovative technology of fire prevention in goaves, based on injection of nitrogen and carbon dioxide inert gases mixture from treatment of exhaust gases from a methane combusting gas engine. The developed innovative technology and the constructed prototype of the installation producing inert gases are the final result of the research project entitled "Innovative and effective technology of inerting the goaf active or dammed longwall in an underground mining plant, extracting hard coal, using mixtures of inert gases obtained from the purification of exhaust gases from a gas engine and preventing the formation of endogenous fires", co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR). The prototype installation was demonstrated in real conditions at the “Borynia” part of "Borynia-Zofiówka" mine, where, at the end of the research project, the prototype and the developed fire prevention technology with the use of gas engine exhaust gases were optimized and validated. Until now, under normal conditions in a hard coal mine, the fumes generated as a result of methane combustion in gas engines were emitted directly to the atmosphere. Innovative inerting technology, processing and reusing the exhaust gases produced by methane-fueled gas engines, in ecological context will contribute to the reduction of pollutant emissions in the mining sector, and, with mixing at the same time the carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the proper ratio in the mixture, it will fully utilize the advantages of each of these gases, as known when used in separate form. As a result, considering the possibility of generating a much higher amount of inert gases per time unit compared to the available technologies, and combining the physicochemical properties of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in one mixture, the innovative technological solution significantly increases the effectiveness of fire prevention, thus reducing the possibility of an endogenous fire.
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Bibliogr. 12 poz., tab., wykr.
- „AZIS” Mining Sp. z o. o. oś. 1-Maja 16 K, 44-304 Wodzisław Śląski, Poland
- „AZIS” Mining Sp. z o. o. oś. 1-Maja 16 K, 44-304 Wodzisław Śląski, Poland
- „AZIS” Mining Sp. z o. o. oś. 1-Maja 16 K, 44-304 Wodzisław Śląski, Poland
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