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Adwelling is a place where we live, feel safe in a private space, which we organize to fullfil the idea of a perfect home. It is more than a housing estate, a building or room separated by walls. In the common understanding, the word "dwelling" describes not only the material structure, but also activities related to everyday life, remaining in relation to cultural, local and economic conditions. The requirements for the living environment are influenced by the availability of functional solutions, aesthetic expectations, financial possibilities and development of technology. Design in this area is associated with responsibility for shaping living conditions. Housing, priority of which is utility and durability, manifests all the essential features of architecture. In this discipline, at least until the time of achievements of empiricism, an evolutionary method of gaining knowledge and competence has become a recognized practice. Vitruvius, father of the theory of shaping space, did not write about innovation. Among the positive features of the architect, he did not mention the courage to question established rules. On the contrary, he referred to the role of tradition built in the arduous process of gathering experience. Despite these conditions, bold speculations are present in our field taking the form of innovative ideas in composition, shape, function or technology. Verification in the construction process creates a risk of structural failure or rejection by users. These disadvantages are compensated by the development of new materials for analysis, and (sometimes) acceptance shifted in time. The most valuable architectural innovations are made in a conscious and careful manner. They bring long lasting positive impact to the built environment. They are a desirable mechanism for the development of human spatial activity, including the shaping of the living space. The book discusses the subject of modern dwelling, in terms of looking for more functional, efficient and human-friendly solutions, The analyses concern spatial and technical innovations, in the scale of an apartment, building, housing estate and wider social environment. The importance of the freshness of the architectural idea was raised, though in a veiled way, by Leon Baptiste Alberti. Since that time, in the modern era, the sense of the value of architectural creation has been growing. New ideas referred to the concept of cities, living models and specific buildings or their elements. Following the development of architecture, it can be noticed that the independence of the theory of shaping space coincides with the rapid increase of concern for housing typology. The earlier evolution of the human place was interpreted mainly in terms of improvement of usable solutions. The compositional and aesthetic conditions permeated the sphere of housing from the area of monumental architecture. This happened until the nineteenth century, when the urban tenement house reached its development peak. Theorists note that in the period preceding modernism, the type of multi-family building gained a separate place both in the sphere of design methods and in implementation. The time of creating contemporary standards of residential architecture is related to two significant civilization thresholds. Their transgression changed the established patterns of reasoning, first of all on the ground of philosophy and exact sciences, later also in the field of natural sciences, humanities and art. The first such threshold was the transition from agrarian to industrial civilization, based on the achievements of empiricism and manifested by rapid social changes in the era of the industrial revolution. The process of transforming the economy in the nineteenth century shaped the background for the vision of inhabitation described in the modernist work. Innovative solutions arose as a development of the postulate of mechanization and production automation, based on engineering analyzes deriving from the discoveries of mathematics and physics, seeking solutions for social problems which were the consequences of civilization transformations. The transition from craft to the scientific interpretation of spatial activities stimulated interest in innovation. It was understood close to natural and humanistic disciplines - as the ability to discover and test solutions that deviate from the standard, bringing a violent qualitative change. In modernism, this trend has reached its apogee. Innovations of this period took the form of abstract and realistic ideas, methods based on alternative sets of criteria, material and building technologies. They concerned the urban or architectural scale and the detail. They yielded new notions and objectively new values such as functionalism of the New Frankfurt technology, healthy living environment of the housing estate, extensive typology of residential systems present at Werkbund exhibitions, innovative reinforced concrete structures of open plans, natural lighting standards, ventilation and many more. After a period of fascination with newness, a reflection based on appreciation of the value of tradition had to come. It appeared as an opposition to modernist ideas. In Jane Jacobs' approach, it appreciated the spontaneous vital processes of cities related to the implementation of the community needs, leading to cautious evolutionary transformations based on proven models. In the vision of the New Urbanism creators, it was a direct formal objection. Projects by Leon Krier, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk or Peter Calthrope put forward the traditional landscape of urban space over formal purity of modernistic settlements floating in greenery. The second threshold is more difficult to characterize due to the small time elapsed from the important discoveries and their consequences. Norbert Wiener described the transition to a civilization based on the flow of information with a paradigm shift, when we were technologically not prepared for it. Universal computerization, the development of the Internet, mobile communication and the ability to translate information have made futurist visions a reality. The Place of energy resources and industrial products has taken by the information and knowledge of the global economy that guarantees access to efficient production technologies. This has a significant impact on the living environment conditions. It changes the proportions of time spent at home and outside, affects the spatial relations of the places of activity. Civilization communicates on a global scale, which results in rapid propagation of patterns and the use of experience gained in remote locations. Housing models of the modernism era were characterized by: innovativeness of utilitarian and spatial schemes, solutions based on experimental provenances, unambiguity and uncompromisingness, repeatability and support on industrial methods of production. In the analysis of the modernist breakthrough genesis (especially those related to housing) prevails the line of argumentation based on social justifications. The sensitivity of the architects of the 1920S and necessity to solve problems of inequality of living conditions gave expression to the manifestoes and documents summarizing the discourse. In the third chapter of the Athens Charter regarding the needs of cities, words are expressed about the catastrophic state of housing resources resulting from overpopulation, lack of infrastructure and building density, which is the consequence of rental profit intensification. Participants of the Modern Architecture Congresses (Congres International d'Architecture Moderne, CIAM) argued that the situation could be changed through the introduction of innovative spatial solutions. However, ethically important it may be, social commitment does not explain the nature of the modernism innovation. At the intellectual and technical stages, its strength resulted primarily from the criticized pace of change, which was a consequence of the industrial revolution. Innovative thought germinated in the minds of architects thanks to the flourishing of interdisciplinary dialogue and thanks to the boldness of industrial concepts. The basis for the construction of the Paris tower was Eiffel's Experience gained while testing the strength of tow ropes. Le Corbusier's modulor arose from interest in recursive patterns studied by nineteenth-century mathematics and geometry. Topology discoveries influenced Max Bill's designs. In its inter-domain openness, modernism was close to the Renaissance. Like the Age of Enlightenment, it inclined outstanding artists to study and dare to make bold decisions. Tobe progressive, the modernist work had to remain consistent only with its own rules. The whole set of related virtues - originality, authenticity, independence, came from the original virtue of novelty. LeCorbusier believed in the aesthetic and technological version of natural selection, which can be called mechanical selection. According to this concept, countless novelties, thrown in the process of industrialized life, are reduced to the few that actually work and, what no less important, were beautiful. In his opinion, both natural and mechanical selection are a manifestation of purification. The evolutionary model of change and renewal lays in slow, steady and incremental progress. The prototype being a manifestation of artistic innovation originated from science, and the motives and practices by which it was created were rational and dispassionate. Thus, modernist art was up-to-date, forward-looking and progressive, just like the scientific progress generated thanks to the discoveries. In the interwar period, new ideas emerged not only on the basis of individual architectural practice. Thanks to the integration of professionalists, a lively discourse was undertaken, which led to joint arrangements as well as controversies. Thanks to them, awareness about spatial innovations increased and changes could take place at a faster pace. In 1928, at the first International Congress of Modern Architecture, it was agreed that architecture should express the spirit of the era. In the context of housing, the slogan was interpreted during successive congresses that addressed housing issues in different perspectives, resulting in a comprehensive vision consisting of interrelated thematic blocks: The Minimum Dwe11ing (1929), Rational Land Development (1930) and The Functional City (1933). Contemporary housing models benefit from modernism solutions, mainly in the functional sphere and are additionally characterized by: diversity of constituent elements, ability to respond to changes introduced to the information model, openness to users modifications, striving to predict future effects of implementation and use in the context of environment, integration with global information resources transferred through the use of the Internet and mobile communication networks. It is difficult to assess the innovative nature of contemporary housing developments. There is a lack of reference points and usability verification that separates the utopia from innovation. However, it is possible to indicate trends that strongly affect the houses and estates. The first of these is the pursuit to design for the user and with the user. The development of sensitivity in the participation sphere concerns both the search for effective methods of obtaining information and gradually increasing the awareness of the inhabitants. Dwellings are designed today on the basis of the needs of all groups of users, in the context of their health, economic status, affiliation to minorities, etc. The second tendency is the global trend resulting from reflection on resource depletion and negative climate effects. Housing for sustainable development ensures proper management of water and energy. It seeks to limit the impact on the environment or attempts to repair damage previously created. On an urban scale, it tries to counteract the uncontrolled expansion of cities. In the functional sphere - minimizes the structures to the scale corresponding to the actual needs. In the technical layer, it takes care of the use and disposal of materials, supports the reduction of resource consumption, enables control, optimization and monitoring of the building condition. The tendency to transform districts, building complexes and individual houses is related to the need to preserve the city's continuity through the inclusion of isolated or wasted land and use available areas to avoid the urban sprawl. It is hard to ignore the aesthetic trends which promote specific spatial solutions resulting from the adaptation of industrial or storage facilities for a residential function. In a post-industrial city we seek new function for old factories, most often including the housing program. At the same time, certain forms of unobtrusive production, mainly related to craftsmanship, are a good complement to the multifunctional restoration profile. In social perception, housing estates consisting of varied elements with a mixed program and different scales are accepted better than new districts. The presence of older buildings provides historical authenticity and identity, as in the Kevin Lynch's concept of imageability, where both in the natural and man-made environment, it is possible to distinguish elements with specific features or symbolism. The latest trend in the evolution of housing solutions is related to the expansion of information technology. Today computer devices are mounted in the majority of household appliances. We have digital monitoring, air conditioning, control systems, electronic fridges, televisions and lighting. The intelligent building and smart apartment applications cease to have a unique character. Most buildings contain digital components. We can assess the degree of completeness, integration or intuitiveness of the intelligence of the building structure. It affects not only the processes of use, but also spatial models used to satisfy the needs of various residents. The dwellings we are designing today are, like evolutionary innovations, combinations of known components. The development of technology and science introduces fresh patterns into the set, but the building material is mostly traditional. This is good, because housing architecture is probably the most servile. It must provide users with many years of comfort, be a guarantee of stability, a source of satisfaction, pride and a mean to meet many individual and social needs. The postulate of maintaining continuity and taking into account the opinion of the user does not mean conservatism. On the contrary, a changing society requires new housing solutions. Demand for innovation is related to the pace and character of civilization changes. In the last century it is exceptionally large and brought innovative solutions regarding functional systems, typology of rooms and buildings, housing estates and materials, technologies and equipment. In the area of housing, the modern movement has brought the invaluable yield of model architectural concepts and a catalog of methods and notions which we still use. Using the language of modernism, we design multi-family buildings, social housing estates, functional zones and cities, as well as ergonomic laboratory kitchens and sanitary nodes. We strive towards dwelling created in the spirit of respect for the environment, for all people, using building intelligence, transforming the .existing components of city substances. We enriched the language, but we did not change our goals. A modern dwelling offers a man and a family quality that meets the aspirations and requirements of time. The housing estate should provide the neighboring community with conditions for contact and cooperation while maintaining the necessary privacy. We want to incorporate living zones to create the rational tissue of the cities. We strive to design housing estates and dwellings according to criteria of order, beauty and durability.
Opis fizyczny
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa Nr 461252 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2020).
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