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Correlation of Eemian sections in Lithuania and Belarus based on palaeomagnetic, radioisotope and palaeobotanic data

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Eemian (Murava, Merkinė) deposits at five exposed sections (Zaslavl, Zhukevichi, Ponemun, Snaigupėlė, and Netiesos) located in Lithuania and Belarus are described. Preliminary palaeomagnetic results show a record of the Brunhes epoch normal magnetic field and a short-term reversal – the Blake Event – is recognized in three of the five sections. The Blake Event recorded in the Netiesos section is characterized by a pattern consisting of three short reversed polarity intervals separated by two short normal polarity intervals. The directional changes of declination, inclination, and MS (magnetic susceptibility) are clear. ESR dating (112.5 ±10.8 and 112.1 ±25.9) and 230Th/U dates obtained from this section (108.8 ±12.0/9.9 ka for the L/L technique and 100.2 ±10.3/8.6 ka for the TSD technique) suggest that (Blake and post-Blake) palaeomagnetic excursions are present in this section. Palaeobotanical analysis and isotope dating of the Netiesos section suggest that the Blake Event occurred during the climatic optimum.
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art. no. 46
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Bibliogr. 47 poz., fot., rys., wykr.
  • Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Akademijos 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute for Nature Management, Skoriny 10, 220114 Minsk, Belarus
  • Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Akademijos 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Akademijos 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Akademijos 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Akademijos 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania
  • National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute for Nature Management, Skoriny 10, 220114 Minsk, Belarus
  • National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute for Nature Management, Skoriny 10, 220114 Minsk, Belarus
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