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Investigation of the Tribological Behaviors of Upholstery Woven Fabrics after Abrasion

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Fabric surface tribology is an important area of study in upholstery fabrics, which is exposed to high friction and abrasion effects. In the studies on the tribology of upholstery fabrics, it is ensured that criteria such as better performance, less degradation, increased usage time, and user comfort are determined and taken into consideration in the woven fabric design. Surface roughness and friction coefficients are important parameters used in determining abrasion, deformation, and wear behaviors of fabrics. In this study, the surface abrasion behaviors of upholstery fabrics woven with basic and jacquard weave patterns and also different structural parameters were investigated in terms of the changes in surface roughness parameters (amplitude parameters: Ra, Rpm, and Rvm and hybrid parameters: Δa) and the changes in surface friction coefficients. These results were also related to the state of the visual changes in the fabrics. Rpm, Rvm, and Δa being roughness parameters were found to be important in the evaluation of the surface deformation of the fabrics after abrasion besides the Ra parameter. Results showed that the Δa roughness parameter could be suitable for evaluating the deformation of the textile structures to be used, particularly in sensitive applications.
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Bibliogr. 23 poz.
  • Faculty of Engineering, Textile Engineering Department, Bursa Uludag University, Görükle Campus, 16059 Bursa, Turkey
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