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Przegląd technologii pozyskania metanu z dziewiczych pokładów węgla – w kontekście Polski

Warianty tytułu
An overview of the technologies for methane acquisition from intact coal seams - in the context of Poland
Języki publikacji
Artykuł opisuje technologie eksploatacji metanu z dziewiczych pokładów węgla, w tym metody stymulacji przepuszczalności i modele udostępnienia złoża, na tle budowy geologicznej Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego i uwarunkowań inżynierii złożowej uwalniania gazów z węgla. Prezentuje też wyniki ich dotychczasowego stosowania w Polsce.
In the Upper Silesian Coal Basin carboniferous formations, the presence of methane in the form of free gas, sorbed through the coal matter and dissolved in water is observed in all lithological types of rocks. The highest methane volume is characteristic, however, of coal seams (2.10 m3/m3 on average). Thus, essentially only methane sorbed in the coal seams is here the object of interest of borehole mining industry. However, coal permeability is usually very small. In this regard, the beginning of gas inflow to the borehole requires the use of appropriate methods of stimulation, which include: hydraulic fracturing, caverning, and the so-called "enhanced recovery" (ECBM - still in research phase). The methane exploitation technology involves a number of issues, dependent on local conditions. Therefore, the article discusses only the general models of exploitation, which include: – providing one or more coal seams by a straight well, – executing a group of 4–5 wells, with one central well and 3–4 around it, – boring wells, which intersect each other: vertical or horizontal (or several horizontal), – multi-bottom branching of a vertical well by horizontal sections – using single or multiple fracturing of coal in the horizontal part of the well. – a model used in ECBM projects, having a central vertical well and 3–4 wells located around the horizontal wells. The majority of the described models of methane exploitation and simulation techniques have been used in Poland, so far. Their results were generally unsatisfactory, pointing to unprofitability of methane production. However, the preliminary results of the application of a pair of intersecting wells (vertical and horizontal), with multiple fracturing of the horizontal section give hope.
Opis fizyczny
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