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Geophysical Study for the Recognition of the Water Resources of the Turonian Aquifer in the Eastern Part of the Boudnib Basin (Errachidia, Morocco)

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The region of Boudnib is located in southeast Morocco and depends on the territorial region of Drâa-Tafilalet and the province of Errachidia. It has a water deficit due to the lack of rainfall in the region and the overexploitation of groundwater. 76 electrical drillings were drilled and correlated with borehole and seismic reflection data to understand and identify the structure and geometry of the deep aquifer to facilitate the selection of future boreholes and wells. After the interpretation of all data of vertical electrical sounding, we exploited it to make an interpretation of the results. Indeed, we have established an isohypse of the resistant roof maps also geoelectric sections representing the different electrical discontinuities present in the study area, their nature as well as the zones favorable to the exploitation of the Turonian aquifer waters.
  • Functional Ecology and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Sciences & Technology Faculty, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Marocco
  • Functional Ecology and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Sciences & Technology Faculty, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Marocco
  • Geodynamics and Natural Resources Laboratory, Faculy of Sciences Dhar Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed, Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Maracco
  • Functional Ecology and Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Sciences & Technology Faculty, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Marocco
  • Geodynamics and Natural Resources Laboratory, Faculy of Sciences Dhar Mahraz, Sidi Mohamed, Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Maracco
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