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Adsorptive purification of aqueous solution from fluoride ions by carbonaceous materials

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Fluoride is a widely available element and is the 13th on the list of most common elements in nature. Fluorides are present in all environmental components: water, soil, air and living organisms. It finds its way into water as a result of rocks weathering and leaching, as well as precipitation along with gas and dust pollution of anthropogenic origin. In more and more areas of Poland exceedances are observed, relative to the maximum permitted levels established for fluoride concentration. The level of environmental pollution by fluoride ions increases along with the development of industrial activity of humans and the widespread use of fluorine compounds in agriculture and dental prophylaxis. Currently fluorine compounds are recognized as one of the most dangerous pollutants, contributing to environmental contamination. Fluoride ions can be removed from aqueous mediums using membrane techniques, adsorption, chemical precipitation, coagulation, electrocoagulation or ion exchange. Using adsorption processes is a very good method for water purification from fluoride ions due to its high effectiveness and simple application. The aim of this paper was to research fluoride ion adsorption statics and kinetics for two commercially available carbon materials: activated carbon (W1) and charcoal (W2). Adsorption tests were conducted in static conditions. Concentrations of fluoride ions in the samples were analyzed using the ion chromatography method. The adsorption kinetic occurred according to the pseudo-secondorder kinetic model. Process equilibrium was achieved after 40 minutes of contact between the adsorbent and the adsorbtive when using W1 and after an hour when using W2. Equilibrium adsorption was described using Freundlich’s equations. Freundlich isotherms were characterized by large correlation coefficients (R2 > 0.92). Adsorption capacities of both materials strongly depended on the pH solution. The highest adsorption capacities for both activated carbon (0.199 mg/g) and charcoal (0.169 mg/g) was observed where the initial pH = 2 and the 20 mg/L fluoride concentration. The efficiency of fluoride ions removal from aqueous solutions depended on the process conditions, the initial fluoride concentration, pH, companion ions presence, for example OH. The greatest adsorption efficiency (51.9% for a 5 mg/L initial concentration) was exhibited by charcoal.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz.
  • Opole University of Technology, Department of Environmental Engineering, ul. Mikołajczyka 5, 45-271 Opole
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