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Identification of steady and non-steady gait of human-exoskeleton walking system

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In this paper a method of analysis of exoskeleton multistep locomotion was presented by using a computer with the preinstalled DChC program. The paper also presents a way to analytically calculate the “,motion indicator”, as well as the algorithm calculating its two derivatives. The algorithm developed by the author processes data collected from the investigation and then a program presents the obtained final results. Research into steady and non-steady multistep locomotion can be used to design two-legged robots of DAR type and exoskeleton control system.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
  • Faculty of Management Bialystok University of Technology Ojca Tarasiuka street 2, 16-001 Kleosin, Poland
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Bialystok University of Technology Wiejska street 45C, 15-351 Bialystok, Poland
  • Jaworek K. (1992): Method of evalouation of human locomotion for running and walking. – Work of Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Polish Academy of Sciences, vol.32, Warsaw.
  • Jaworek K. (2006): Two investigatory hypothesis in biomechanics of human locomotion. – Making of VII Scientific Seminar Mechanics in Medicine, October, Boguchwa_a, pp.93-102.
  • Jaworek K., Derlatka M. and Dominikowski M. (1998): On an investigation of human locomotion by Penny and Giles electrogoniometer. – Proc. ed. by Christian Hogfors, vol.12, University of Goeteberg, Sweden, pp.21-27.
  • Jaworek K. and Ferenc A. (1992): A cordless electrogoniometer for simplified gait analysis. – Proc. of International Centre of Biocybernetics IBiB-PAN, Warsaw, pp.53-63.
  • Winter D.A. (1991): The Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Gait: Normal, Elderly and Pathological, (secondo edition). – Univeristy of Waterloo Press.
  • Żur K.K. (2011): A new idea of modelling and dynamic analysis of human walking apparatus. – Acta Mechanica et Automatica, No.1, Bia_ystok, pp.148-153.
  • Żur K.K. and Jaworek K.A. (2011): New idea of control of walking anthropomophic robot DAR type, "Measurments.Control.Robotic". – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements, No.2, Warsaw, pp.462-473.
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