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Landscape structure changes in the Slepiotka River drainage basin in the period 1824-1993 (The Silesian Upland, Poland)

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The area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin is the most important underground mining district in Poland. Coal mines, operating in the area since the eighteenth century, have contributed to massive transformations of the landscape structure. River valleys within range of intensive exploitation activities have been undergoing vast changes. The Slepiotka River drainage basin constitutes an interesting regional example of transformations in the river's watercourse as well as in its adjacent area. It is a left-hand tributary of the Klodnica River with a length of about 8.6 km. Changes in the landscape structure that occurred between 1824-1993 have been analyzed. The starting material consisted of topographical maps that were digitized and calibrated and served as a basis to create colorful compositions. The areas occupied by the different land cover types have been calculated, which allowed to determine their participation in the drainage basin. In about 169 years, significant changes took place in the area of research considering the share of different types of cover and land use. During this time, the river changed its course, both naturally and by human activities. Increasing urbanization and technological development contributed to the diametrical transformation of the landscape structure in the discussed area.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys.
  • Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia, 60 Bedzinska Str., 41-200 Sosnowiec
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