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Indoor Air Quality, Health Effects Resulting from Coffee Shops Smoke – Review

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All over the world, people are drawn to stay most of their time in indoor environments and largely in restaurants and cafes. For this reason, the aim of this study is to provide information to decision-makers and researchers about indoor air pollution in cafes and its significant impact on people’s health. Cigarettes, hookahs, and electronic cigarettes abound in cafes frequented by young people (Most of them are school students) and some women, In addition, to minors. The main sources of pollutants in coffee shops are heating, cooling, cooking, and emissions from shisha, cigarettes, and e-cigarettes. The most common pollutants are CO, PMs, NOx, SOx, and VOCs, in addition to nicotine. Health effects appear in adults, children, and women, they affect otitis media, and heart disease for children, while it is on heart attack, nasal irritation, lung cancer, and coronary heart disease. As for its effects on the pregnant woman and the fetus, it affects reproduction and low birth weight. This review could be for environmental legislators for Iraqis, in international organizations to formulate legislation for indoor air for cafes that takes into account all sources of air pollution to create a healthy and comfortable environment. The review is also useful for cafe managers and customers to understand the potential health risks of indoor air pollution.
Słowa kluczowe
  • Civil Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Civil Engineering Department, Al Rafidain University College, Baghdad, Iraq
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