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Characteristics of sorbent products obtained by the alkaline activation of waste from waste incineration plants

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„Mineral sorbents”, raw materials, power engineering, environmental protection, modern technologies : third scientific and technical conference : 18–19 September 2017, Cracow
Języki publikacji
Poland, by 2020 430,000 Mg of hazardous waste will be formed annually by the combustion of waste. This waste must be properly managed so as not to endanger the environment. One promising way to manage selected waste is to process it in the synthesis of materials characterised by sorption properties. The results presented in this paper concern the possibility of producing sorbents from waste materials marked with codes 190112 and 190114, which came from two waste incineration plants in Poland. Alkaline activation was performed using two methods: a) hydrothermal, in a solution of 8 M NaOH at 75°C for 24 h; and b) in an autoclave, using a solution of 2 M NaOH at 140°C for 6 h. XRD analyses led to the identification of materials after synthesis of the following zeolite phases: analcime, chabazite and thomsonite. chabazite and analcime can be valuable absorbent materials.
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Bibliogr. 31 poz., wykr., tab., rys.
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