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A sensitive approach to identify black spots in urban transport, with application to cities in Algeria

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Global population growth and rampant urbanization have led to the accelerated development of large cities, which are themselves rapidly affected by a sudden increase in transport demand, or even a disruption of the daily concerns of citizens and the economic growth of the country. Currently, management of urban transport is a major issue in terms of the quality of life for citizens and the economic, social and cultural competition between the different cities. In many parts of the country, cities are booming, which has caused a major disruption in traffic. In spite of investments and development on urban layout, planning and development of means of transport in many cities of the country are faced with problems of massive influx of users, traffic jams, congestion, traffic accidents, and air and noise pollution. However, it should be mentioned that the problems are not identical and each city has its own specificities. The proposed working methodology is based on the identification of the problems in the field reported in the various national media and newspapers, grouped into five groups mentioned in the working approach. These are the black spots recorded in some wilayas of the republic, especially the big cities (Algiers, Constantine, Setif ...). Knowledge of the magnitude of the factors present on the ground makes it possible to have an overview of the malfunctions, or even perform « mapping of the black spots» to better choose the best directions to take. Thus, this study aims to highlight some of the urban transport problems encountered in certain Algerian cities and to then suggest possible solutions, or even identify actions to be undertaken on a priority basis currently and in the future.
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Bibliogr. 44 poz.
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  • University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Laboratory of Transportation Engineering and Environment P.O. Box, 325 Ain El Bey Way, Constantine, 25017, Algeria
  • University Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, Laboratory of Transportation Engineering and Environment P.O. Box, 325 Ain El Bey Way, Constantine, 25017, Algeria
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