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An Investigation to Estimate the Maximum Yielding Capability of Power for Mini Venturi Wind Turbine

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The present research work deals with the design and fabrication of windmill using venturi effect. The venturi effect is achieved such a way that the propeller rotation is increased about four times for the wind velocity in the surroundings. For any direction of wind flow, the propeller is rotated. The wind velocity required for power production in our research area is very less when compared with the existing systems. There are no effects on the birds and also there is reduction in noise level when compared with existing conventional wind mills. The wind enters the nozzle where its velocity is increased slightly. Hence the proposed idea is to overcome the difficulties in exisisting wind mills. From this experimental analysis it was understood that the maximum yield of power was increased by 12% nearly (800 to 1000 W) compared to conventional windmills, which can be used essentially for domestic applications. The design in terms of cost and life was to be increased by 6% as compared to VAWT and HAWT. By the utilization of venturi wind turbines; the possibilities of facing real time problems such as resonance and sound intensity was decresed by 10% as compared to conventional wind turbines.
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, 600 062, Chennai, India
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, 600 062, Chennai, India
  • Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Christ the King Engineering College, 641104, Karamadai, Coimbarore, India
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