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“One planet, one main goal: good life for all”: it could be a motto of sustainable world. Sustainability is global mega trend in all fields of life to promote prosperity protecting our planet. Sustainable development is a requirement and a priority for all people all over the world. It is defined as development of the current world with a view to the future generations. In 2015, the UN Member States established Agenda 2030, including seventeen “Sustainable Development Goals”, SDG, which should be realized by 2030. Objectives scope all areas of life, namely quality of human life, ecosystem, world peace or partnerships. Each goal has an environmental context. According to the “United Nations Environment Program” (UNEP), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a perfect method in the context of the environmental dimensions of the SDGs. The concept not only concerns the effects of the process/production system or the product/service but also all stages of its life (from cradle to grave), considering the carbon, environmental, consumer or biodiversity footprints. LCA is the only comprehensive eco-innovation indicator and policy implementation technique of sustainable development in companies in terms of eco-efficiency and eco-products. This mini review provides a survey of the current state of knowledge on sustainability and sustainable development as well as the relevance of new holistic methodology bridging SDGs with LCA, on the base of the newest scientific worldwide literature.
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Bibliogr. 99 poz.
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