Warianty tytułu
Importance of Vertical and Horizontal Hydrophytes Beds for Organic and Nitrogen Transformation and Removal During Treatment of Wastewater and Reject Water
Języki publikacji
In constructed wetlands unit processes of pollutants removal such as sedimentation, filtration or processes involving micro-organisms of different trophic requirements occurs simultaneously. For these reasons, both the form and the degree of dispersion of pollutants may have a significant effect on the rate of removal. In the paper results of studies conducted in three multistage constructed wetland systems (MCWs) for the treatment of both domestic sewage and the filtrate generated during mechanical dewatering of digested sludge are presented. In addition to standard analyses of nitrogen fraction the determination to distinguish the forms of dissolved, colloidal and suspension of organic matter (COD) and organic nitrogen was made. Analyzed WSH provide a very stable and efficient removal of pollutants. Total nitrogen removal efficiency varied from 84.6 to 91.2% for domestic wastewater and from 73.8 to 91.4% for the filtrate. At the same time in all systems the ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency was higher than that of total nitrogen removal efficiency. The study confirmed the dependence of removal efficiency and transformation of various forms of pollution on their degree of dispersion.
Opis fizyczny
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