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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to show the positive impact of public support for the relationships within the triple helix model on the local development of Western Poland (WP). Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents the econometric model based on backward stepwise multiple regression in which the explanatory variables were expenses aggregated into 44 categories dedicated to triple helix model. The model defines a theoretical framework for local innovation systems in 111 counties of WP (5 western voivodeships). An economic aggregate based on average salaries was chosen as a dependent variable, treated as a measure of local development. Findings: Relationships diagnosed within triple helix model were supported by public expenditures from the European Union cohesion policy in 2007-2013. Two hypotheses were proposed in the paper. In the first one, a presumption was expressed for the positive impact of statistically significant expenditures on innovative activity, and technical and knowledge infrastructure for the local development of WP. The hypothesis was tested in basic and extended variants. In the second one, a presumption was expressed in which public expenditures on technical infrastructure were more influential for the local development of WP than expenditures on knowledge infrastructure. The first hypothesis was confirmed in both basic and extended variants. The second hypothesis could not be confirmed as a result of the research procedure. Importantly, bi-lateral synergy effects in the triple helix model within the researched counties of WP, positively influencing local development, are evident. Research limitations/implications: The Triple helix model, treated as a template for creating local innovation systems, could be extended into quadruple helix model. Future research may include variables related to “society” as forth side supporting innovative processes in local economy. Practical implications: The results of the regression model confirm the positive impact of expenses related to the broadly understood innovation activities on local development. In contrast, expenditure on technical infrastructure, representing the administration–business relationship, demonstrates a negative impact on the adopted local development measures. Originality/value: the paper presents the methodology, that could be used in diagnosing trilateral relationships occurring at the interface of science–business–administration. In the research, only bilateral relations have been diagnosed at the interface of science–business and administration–science.
Opis fizyczny
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Opracowanie rekordu ze środków MNiSW, umowa Nr 461252 w ramach programu "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki" - moduł: Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu (2020).
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