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The subject of the article is an analysis of the energy transformation in Poland against the background of the changes taking place in the environment. Authors study key issues related to the energy transformation to analyze the dynamics of the Polish energy transformation as well as the possible directions. In the end they discuss the three possible scenarios for Poland which could transform the country’s energy system from coal to zero emission. The discussion is up-to-date according to the European and world directions of industrial transition into green energy and Poland has got huge challenges ahead while the time to take steps is passing.
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Bibliogr. 21 poz., rys.
- Industrial Development Agency JSC Nowy Świat 6/12, 00-400 Warszawa, Poland
- Zklaster Lubańska 9a, 59-900 Zgorzelec, Poland
- The Pennsylvania State University 76 University Drive Hazleton, PA 18202 USA
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