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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to determine the level of development in the EU-10 countrie in view of social phenomena. Design/methodology/approach: the TOPSIS method was applied to rank countries in terms of social phenomena – the list comprised countries, which in 2004 accessed the EU. The paper focused on social phenomena, i.e. health, the labour market, housing, demography and education. Findings: It refers to the basic assumptions and the importance of integration in the international context as well as the related theories. Moreover, it presents the relationship between integration and the level of development in countries in terms of the social aspects. At the same time it discusses the process of social changes which have taken place in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEESs) since their accession to the European Union. Research limitations/implications: The text discusses problems related to the European integration and social development in the EU countries. Practical implications: The manuscript concerns social development in the EU-10 countries and European integration. It may be of interest for the broadly understood governmental sector. Social consequences: Conducted studies will constitute the basis for the development of European and national development strategies in terms of improvement of welfare for the populations, while also indicating the direction of changes and ensuring comparability of the results concerning transformations in the countries, which accessed the EU in 2004. Originality/value: The originality of the study will stem from the application of the TOPSIS method, required to classify the countries and to determine the standard of their development in terms of social phenomena.
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