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The organization of the academic research of the Jews in the interwar period in the light of the Belarussian historiography
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Reinstitutionalisation of science in Belarus took place in the late 1910s - early 1920s. Attempts of its implementation were undertaken by the governments of the Belarussian People’s Republic and the BSSR. The first real results were achieved in the early 1920s, when the Soviet power in 1921 organized the Belarusian State University and the Institute of Belarussian Culture. The latter as the prototype of the future Academy of Sciences attempted to begin its work as a multidisciplinary research institution in 1922. The peculiarity of the scientific and organizational situation was establishment in their composition of scientific-pedagogical and research departments of national minorities. The paper examines the process of learning, especially by Belarussian scientists, one of the aspects of scientific development in the interwar Belarus, namely the national one. In this case, historiographical analysis is made of the organizational history of independent Jewish academic research. The study makes it possible to identify in the Belarussian science a very small number of special publications devoted to the history and scientific activities of Jews and other ethnic groups. Certain unconvincing argumentation is shown in the vast majority of publications. Verification of the researchers’ statements on the basis of archival materials contributed to identification of a number of inaccuracies in their judgments, which very often resulted from incorrect interpretation of small number of facts. Historiographic study of the problem also allowed to develop and specify the number of the previous assertions of Belarussian historiography (personnel, structure of institutions, time of setting up, their heads), as well as to draw a conclusion about the prospects of further indepth study of the history of academic research activities of the national minorities in Belarus in the interwar period.
Opis fizyczny
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