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Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (16 ; 02-05.09.2021 ; online)
Języki publikacji
Optimizing CPS behavior in terms of energy consumption can have a significant impact on system reliability. The environment influences the system's behavior, and neglecting the environmental behavior has indirect negative impact on optimizing the system's behavior. In this work, to increase the system's flexibility, the behavior of the environment is modeled dynamically to apply the disorderliness of its behavior. The resulting models are formally verified. By examining the past environmental behavior and predicting its future behavior, energy optimization is done more dynamically. The verification results acquired using a UPPAAL-SMC show that the optimization of system behavior by predicting the environmental behavior has been successful. Our approach is demonstrated using a case study within an I4 setting.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 19 poz., il.
- University of Southern Denmark, The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute SDU Software Engineering, Odense, Denmark
- University of Southern Denmark, The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute SDU Software Engineering, Odense, Denmark
- University of Southern Denmark, The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute SDU Software Engineering, Odense, Denmark
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1. This research has been performed under the EF-CPS: Trustworthy CPS & IoT within I4 project, and “Energy-efficient Programming of Collaborative Robots” project funded by ELFORSK.
1. Track 4: Software, System and Service Engineering
2. Session: Joint 41st IEEE Software Engineering Workshop and 8th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems
3. Position papers
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