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Some aspects of risk assessment in the logistics chain

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The paper presents selected aspects of the evaluation of the effectiveness and risks of the logistics chain that supports the enterprise. It was assumed that the logistics chain includes all activities associated with the flow of materials from the sourcing of raw materials for sale to the ultimate purchaser of the product and the disposal of used products. It was found that the elements of the supply chain are usually unstable which generates difficulties in determining the appropriate level of the risk of the chain. The paper presents a formal record of risk and performance. There is proposed determination of the effectiveness of individual links of the logistics chain. The task of the logistics chain is to provide goods from producers to the final customers, thereby making available these goods in a place and time suited to the needs and expectations of customers. The movement of goods in the logistics chains is determined by the sequence of interrelated actions. In the logistics chains, many entities are involved to different extents. This determines the spatial distribution of different configuration of individual users of the whole logistics chain. In particular, example of a logistics chain of production company, stages of the procedures for quantitative risk analysis, the problems in the logistics chains, assessment of the risk of the task in the logistics chain, the concept of risk, effectiveness and risk in logistics chains are presented in the paper.
Słowa kluczowe
  • Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Production Engineering Institute of Organization of Production Systems Narbutta Street 85, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+48 22 2348126, fax: +48 22 8499390
  • Poznan University of Technology Faculty of Machines and Transportation Piotrowo, 60-965 Poznan, Poland tel.:+48 61 6652207, fax: +48 61 6652204
  • Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Transport Engineering Koszykowa Street 5, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland tel.:+48 222347338, fax:+ 48 222347582
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