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The welding of nitrogen (0.29 wt%)-alloyed austenitic steel (grade 23-8-N) was performed with gas metal arc welding process. Solution treatment was performed at 950 °C and 1150 °C on base metal prior to weld. Base metal after second treatment has maximum ultimate tensile strength of 942 MPa and impact toughness 66 J. The microstructures of different zones of the weld joint were characterized using an optical microscope and field scanning electron microscope (FESEM). The microhardness, tensile and impact toughness tests of the weldments were conducted along with weld ferrite evaluation. ER2209 duplex filler metal used for welding has lower C and N content which changed the weld solidification mode. Weld has microstructure containing austenite + ferrite. Being a strong austenite former, nitrogen caused minimum ferrite near weld–HAZ interface while maximum ferrite content was observed at weld centre. Weld metal has minimum while base metal has maximum microhardness. UTS (892 MPa) and impact strength (96 J) of weld made on 1150 °C solution-treated base metal were maximum as compared to other weld joints.
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Bibliogr. 27 poz., rys., wykr.
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee, India
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee, India
- Star Wire (India) Ltd, Faridabad, India
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