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Methods and tools in landscape persistence imaging with the example of a stratigraphy model

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Cultural landscape stratigraphy is a concept based on geological epoch imaging. It refers to a method of interpretation of the specific arrangement and relations between cultural layers visible in the landscape. The number of layers and their age carry information about the persistence of a given landscape type and structure. For a specific site (region, landscape unit) and scale, the layers can be illustrated in a graphical notation of a coordinate system, where the vertical axis (y) represents the time intervals and the x and z axes illustrate the spatial location in Cartesian coordinates of a given landscape unit. This paper aims to present the landscape stratigraphy model, taking into account the necessary differences depending on the landscape scales. Three levels of analysis are presented. On the mesoscale (level of geographical mesoregion), the landscape stratigraphy includes the biography and schematic imaging of the area. The microscale (level of landscape units and level of landscape interior) contains three types of imaging: cartographic, spatial digital (3D), and spatial graphic drawing. These two scales differ in their imaging detail. The landscape stratigraphy model is based on analysis of both literature and cartographic sources. The stratigraphy imaging includes two steps: the analysis of historical and contemporary maps performed in GIS, and the creation of an appropriate type of imaging, using 3D modelling software, vector graphic software, and a graphic tablet. The landscape stratigraphy model can be used in landscape persistence identification, and landscape protection and forecasting. Moreover, the attractive visualisation of landscape changes can be helpful in landscape education.
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Bibliogr. 40 poz.
  • University of Silesia, Department of Natural Sciences, Sosnowiec, Poland
  • University of Silesia, Department of Natural Sciences, Sosnowiec, Poland
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