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Sustainable marketing in theory and practice. Research results

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Purpose: Obtaining information (as a result of reviewing available studies and qualitative own research) on sustainable marketing in Poland, with an emphasis on specified research issues, practices in different economic sectors under the brands’ emblems, and taking into account the developed tool kit of activities in this area. Methodology: Research of secondary information sources, online studies, multiple case studies of brands from selected economic sectors focused on the tool kit of methodological actions for sustainable marketing, and participant observation in their chosen initiatives with an analysis and diagnosis of the multifaceted benefits for all involved parties, the environment, land resources and the economy. Findings: A tool kit dedicated to sustainable marketing. Diagnosis of the state of sustainable marketing development in Poland. Presentation of identified examples of tool applications by brands from various economic sectors. Research limitations: The article is based on literature research and qualitative studies using multiple case studies, participant observation and online research. It is worth analyzing the research problem on a larger number of brands. A survey of the opinions of brand community representatives is planned to obtain information on the reception of individual campaigns. Practical implications: The original author’s list of sustainable marketing instruments expands knowledge in the field of management and quality sciences and has practical applications. Diagnosing the state of sustainable marketing in Poland provides a basis for improving activities in this area and has enabled the formulation of recommendations for those interested in this marketing concept. Social implications: The research has shown that sustainable marketing activities have an impact on customer behaviours, their experiences, attitudes, engagement and changes in the methods of acquisition and consumption of products, market behaviours, practices of marketers, and as a result, on the entire society and the natural environment. Value: This is the first study of its kind (at least in the Polish market) that addresses the state of sustainable marketing, including examples of the application of its tools, considering the established set of instruments, as well as recommendations for marketers and the resulting practical implications (social, economic, environmental, business and managerial).
Opis fizyczny
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