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Electromagnetic terrorism : new threat to contemporary world
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The article presents the issue of electromagnetic terrorism and its influence on the protection of processing classified information and lists briefly legal regulations ordering this information protection not allowing the loss of its availability and integrity. There are also mentioned advanced technologies applied in constructions of devices processing classified information which decrease the level of electromagnetic emissions to the required values and influence the resistance against external electromagnetic fields. The issues connected with electromagnetic terrorism are looked at through the possibilities to secure devices that may be influenced by electromagnetic terrorism and also threats resulting from this phenomenon. Moreover, there are shown possibilities to create dangerous electromagnetic fields from complex and expensive methods of generating fields accompanying nuclear explosions to simple and cheap ones basing on power generators and amplifiers. The latter ones may be successfully used as sources of fields of low intensity values that may disturb the operation of devices processing classified information or information decisive of the security of the state or a company. One of the chapters includes an example of a positive in its results application of electromagnetic fields, showing how to counteract one of electromagnetic terrorism aspect, namely Improvised Explosive Device (IED).
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