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Nowe modele zarządzania terytorialnego

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New Models of Territorial Governance
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Traditional model of territorial governance is facing structural crisis. In general terms it is reflected in the rejection of institutions and procedures known for the last centenary. This crisis is also reflected in the way the traditional institutions try to build new links with new stakeholders and actors claiming their right to the space. Profile of new stakeholders – like for example new urban activists – challenges not only institutions but also legal and political system of the European countries.The paper discusses the new perspective of territorial governance in Poland. It starts with the short presentation of the traditional governance structure followed by the study of the new stakeholders with the special focus on so- called „urban movements”.Then the issue of new forms of co-operation between traditional institutions and civil society is being discussed. Special focus here is on participatory budgets, recently commonly used in Polish cities. Also new forms of public involvement into urban governance is carefully studied. Political consequences of these new forms of co-operation are being presented and analysed.The concept of multilevel governance is being discussed in the perspective of presented phenomena. The paper concludes with some recommendations for the future which might bring a few possible solutions however the more important outcome the authors see rather in rising a few questions for the about new forms of territorial governance and new model of responsibility for the space.
  • Politechnika Wrocławska
  • Uniwersytet Wrocławski
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