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Laser plummet testing with the use of the optoelectronic elements

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Geodetic works realized with the use of angle-measuring instruments and rangefinders are associated with the procedure of a correct setting up of the measurement instrumentation on the control points and the points moved to different building levels in investment processes. The accuracy of the setting up of the measurement instrument over the point depends on i.a. the precision of the rectification of the until recently mounted optical plummet and the recently more and more frequently applied laser plummet. This is connected with the number of advantages, that have been introduced to the land surveying by the laser technique. The development of optoelectronic technique, that in many problems takes the role of an "observator", gives a broad spectrum to create the measurement apparatus. Nowadays especially the use of the CCD converters is commonly possible, owing to the undoubtedly low costs of their purchase. In this paper there have been presented the results of the experimental testing works with the use of the optoelectronic elements of the three laser plummets, that account for the equipment of the Leica and Trimble total stations.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 4 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
  • Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
  • [1] Pawłowski W., 1997: Procedury ustalania dokładności użytkowej instrumentów pomiarowych według nowej Polskiej Normy PN/ISO 8322 (Procedures for determining the accuracy in use of measuring instruments according to a new Polish Standard PN / ISO 8322). Przegląd Geodezyjny Nr 2, Warszawa.
  • [2] Polska Norma PN-ISO 17123-7, 2007: Optyka i instrumenty optyczne. Terenowe procedury testowania instrumentów geodezyjnych i pomiarowych. Część 7: Pionowniki optyczne (Optics and optical instruments. Terrain procedures for testing geodetic instruments and measurement devices. Part 7: Optical plummets). PKN, Warszawa.
  • [3] Szymoński J., 1982: Instrumentoznawstwo geodezyjne część 1 (Knowledge of surveying instruments, Part 1). PPWK, Warszawa.
  • [4] Wapnic A., 2007: Instrumentoznawstwo geodezyjne i elementy technik pomiarowych (Knowledge of surveying instruments and elements of measuring techniques). Wydawnictwo UWM, Olsztyn.
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