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The recent geodynamics within the Bohemian Massif and its connection to the Alps and Carpathians

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In given paper the brief overview on development of horizontal movements or deformation studies in the Czech Republic determined by means of terrestrial and then satellite methods are presented. The results of studies, achieved by means of terrestrial methods are compared with up to date information of dynamics within a part of Central Europe using ITRF00 data. The analyses are consquently based on determination of deformation axes within triangles which are independent on the coordinate systems and data processing. The properties are shown results of GPS measurements in the specialised network in Eastern Sudeten. The first evaluation of assumed mutual dynamics among Alps, Carpathians and Bohemian Massif is performed in framework some ITRF stations. The agreement between assumptions and reality is found and shall by the first step of cooperation within the CEI CERGOP-2 Study Group 5.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz., wykr.
  • Private consultant Praha Czech Republic
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