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Customer-oriented innovation through networks in automotive industry

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The competitive edge of enterprises in today.s global context largely depends on customer-orientation, innovation and networks, which are closely interlinked. Customer satisfaction not only refers to aspects like development of new products, quality and prices, but also depends on many other requirements. Consequently innovation should not only refer to products, but to all technical, organizational and personal improvements of structures and processes, ideally striving to improve the fulfilment of customer requirements. Concentration on core competences results in reduced vertical integration and in concentration on best practices through internal and external extension of network cooperation. Networks are indispensible in order to achieve competitive advantages, as they allow for the use of more and better resources and help to diminish risks. Networks may gain synergetic effects with partner companies achieving together better results than the sum of their individual performances would have been. This results in "economies of Style" [23, p. 1] or "economics of Networks" [24, p. 173]. The combined application of customer-orientation, innovation and networks will gain even more importance in the future and will be crucial for competitiveness. In future the decision concerning excellence will no longer refer to single companies, but implicitly to networks.
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Bibliogr. 27 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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