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Problemy dynamiki konstrukcji / XIII Sympozjum Dynamiki Konstrukcji (XIII ; 25-27 września 2008 ; Rzeszów-Bystre, Polska)
Języki publikacji
Seismic response of a floating roof covering a cylindrical liquid storage tank is considered. The analysed problem is a coupled problem of the fluid-structure type. A boundary integral equation is used to describe a hydrodynamic pressure of a liquid in the tank. The bottom of the tank and the floating roof surface are discretized using the triangular curvilinear 6-node boundary elements. The BEM is used to find the fluid mass matrix. The flexibility matrix of the roof is calculated using the finite element method computer program. Hydrostatic lift is modeled by analogy to forces of the Winkler foundation. The liquid is assumed to be inviscid and incompressible, the bottom of the tank is treated as rigid. The floating roof of a real structure consisting of a pontoon and a plate is analysed. Having found the natural frequencies and their corresponding mode shapes, the modal analysis of the vibrations of the roof excited horizontally by an earthquake is performed. The equation of motion is integrated using Newmark method. Numerical results of the liquid free surface waves and vibration of the floating roof in a storage tank subjected to real earthquake accelerograms are presented.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
- Instytut Konstrukcji Budowlanych, Politechnika Poznańska, ul. Piotrowo 5, 60-965 Poznań, ryszard.sygulski@ikb.poznan.pl
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